How much Dangerous a Breast Cancer

Breast Cancer, a type of cancer which mainly found in females and rarely in Man, well every part of the body is important for a human, but in a woman breast it a very important part of her body not only as a human or female but also as a mother, humans come in the class of mammals so a female also has breast and when she becoming a mother her breast play a very important role for her child because milk discharge from her breast, and for a child mother’s milk is life. and secondly, this body part gives a beautiful shape to females, it is rarely found in Men so  Man should also mind their breast health.

What is Cancer?

Cancer is a very dangerous disease but its take time to reach a dangerous level,   it has many stages and I am sure you listen about it, that 1st stage of cancer and last stage of cancer, there is many types of cancer recognized by experts, and now medicines also found by scientists so if we get it on time then it cannot harm to us only give your body care and check up on monthly basis or if you cannot afford checkups than you can measure it by yourself because cancer is a type of disease which take time to harm you, there are many symptoms in a first stage if you feel there is something wrong with your any part of the body which you can recognize like in your breast so please going to a clinic and check-up, but sometimes there is any type of cancer which develop in inner body and w cannot recognize if but we feel pain so we can take treatment based on pain in any part of the body or inner part of the body.

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Cause of Cancer

Carcinogen a chemical substance,  accumulated damage of genus, age, Tobacco carcinogen found in tobacco and who consume the Tobacco face this disease, it can harm their lungs, mouth and develop lung cancer and mouth cancer, and one main cause when cells growth irregularly and effected to other positive cells.

There are many types of cancer some in  below

 Type of Some Cancer

  • Breast Cancer
  • Blood Cancer
  • Endometrial Cancer
  • Kidney Cancer
  • Colon and Rectal Cancer
  • aLive cancer
  • Lung cancer
  • Mouth cancer
  • Pancreatic cancer
  • Prostate cancer
  • Thyroid cancer
  • Leukemia

Some Rare Cancer

  • Head cancer
  • Neck cancer
  • Brain tumors
  • Childhood cancer (Paediatric Cancer)
  • Neuroendocrine Cancer
  • Lymphoma

Here we get information about Breast cancer, As you read above breast cancer is a type of cancer that is affected by females commonly and sometimes in males that form in the breast tissue. n now let us understand how we can  identify breast cancer and treat it,

Some common symptom gives you an idea that you are suffering from breast cancer.

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Symptoms of  Breast Cancer Below

  • Swelling or thickening of part of the breast
  • Redness around breast
  • New lump in the underarm or the breast
  • Irritation or dimpling of breast skin
  • Pain In the breast can be in the nipple area (the upper outer portion of the breast)  your chest
  • Breast leakage other than milk it can be blood also
  • Itchy breast
  • Neck, back, and shoulder pain
  • Size and color of breast unusual
  • Not comfortable breast
  • Feeling tired

So if you see one of these Abnormal symptoms in your breast  you can contact your Doctor or any others specialist  without any  hesitation because it’s a concern about your life

And for your Child

if we want to know that how can it recognize in an earlier stage, in most cases first and basic symptom is a Lump in the underarm and breast,  what is a lump?

If you feel some hard mass in your breast and arms that is a Lump or a  bump and is a painless piece of solid mass without any defined shape cannot be move and sometimes it can be painful mostly in case of breast cancer it feels round-shaped painful and soft mass, it growing with time has irregular edges and a lump growth is the main sign of breast cancer, and not sure can say that every lump in the breast is a sign of cancer it can be normal but if you feel it be sensitive and check up soon then your doctor or gynecologist examine your breast as well in and your lump and take time if your doctor does not check your breast then you insist doctor check your breast because it is necessary without any delay. why a lump in our body when it not the reason for any cancer? the lump is a shape of mass which developed due to infection, trauma can be painful or painless can be soft and hard according to its causes it can be grown or not.

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Self-Test of Breast Cancer

Firstly if you feel the symptoms of breast cancer you should check-up with the Doctor but if you have some problem then    You can also be checked by yourself whether you have breast cancer or not, but how well you check it by a different method, examine your breast on the month basis when you are reached to your teenage or age of twenties mainly after your periods four or five days this a suitable period for testing at home because in these days your breast get some changes during periods that’s why this is a good enough time, but you will stays dissatisfied by your checkup and your mind unbalanced always because you know that you are not a doctor or a health specialist even after knowing this real fact check yourself, and we discuss techniques used to check your breast cancer at home. also, males should check their chests.

  • You can measure by the breast sizes and by you breast skin texture
  • A universal method recommended by experts
  1. Take a pillow under your right shoulder secondly put your right hand under your head then check your whole right area  from underarm to breast with your finger with care and focus but mind that not with right hand do it with your left hand,
  2. Use your hand to feel there is any pain when you press your breast with light or medium pressure, then squeezed your breast nipple (outermost area) to examine that there is a leak of any discharge in form of water or blood but do It step sensitively and gently.
  3. Then you can repeat these methods with your left side breast area.
  • At the time of Bath, You can examine, yes you can repeat that process which we understand above that examine your breast with your hand right portion by the left hand and left the area with the right hand.
  • By seeing yourself in Mirror, yes you can also check your breast in front of the mirror in a better way if you want and interested. and see your breast without wearing any t-shirt or bra, and see properly that there is not any rashes and bumps or any other changes like swelling and redness, and check the size of both breast area with your hand and also see. Examine the whole area stepwise like 1. Underarm, 2.arms overhead, 3. Breast muscles.
  • These steps also for a Men who feel unusual and discomfort with their chest.

If you feel some unordinary thing after self examines then take a check by your health consultant and Doctor without any embarrassment.

But sometimes a redness, discharge, and lumps or size cannot be measuring cancer it can be by hormonal changes In teenagers and maybe there is any cyst with fluid that develops due to an infection in the mammary gland.

As we know about cancer that is one of dangerous disease it didn’t catch in an earlier stage and the case of breast cancer how long can it and in which stage can treat it

Breast cancer should be treated by a breast surgeon and specialist of cancer, who can give a better treatment of it you can solve your problem with surgery by a plastic surgeon who has a piece of good knowledge and by medicine and also by radiation treatment by a radiation oncologist, make sure for kind of any treatment after a suggestion and discussion with your health provider .one of the best method to examine breast cancer is mammogram a type of x-ray especially for breast cancer, it usually used by 40 to 45 old ladies now used in teenager and adults. and if you start it you can start at the age of 30 to 35.

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Mostly a survival age for breast cancer is  5 to 10 years, but if it examines in time it can be treated normally and a female or male can survive long life if it could be identified in one or two years, it can be developed in a woman after the age of 30 to 35 and very rare in adult, teenage and children, when you are in 1st or 2nd year of your breast cancer that time you can treat it and at the first stage of breast cancer 99% woman safe during treatment.

Cause of Breast Cancer

  • Your older age mainly this problem arise in woman, in woman age a factor of breast cancer because according to data most cancer woman patient belongs to the age of 50 and older than.
  • Lifestyle, your lifestyle also can affect your health that how you eat, what you drink and eat food, and if you drinking, smoking.
  • Cells of breast growth unusually and affected to other cells
  • Hormonal problems
  • Dance breast tissue
  • Early age periods

What should do for protecting yourself  from  Breast Cancer

Something we cannot control but more of things we can control by ourselves so keep calm don’t scared about a name of cancer, just  keep control your mind and willpower which is necessary with treatment if you are a patient of breast cancer and any other cancer or disease

  • Lifestyle is a cause so change your lifestyle and left bed habits like avoid regular drinking alcohol, avoid smoking, add exercise in daily routine which makes you active and strong and activeness is important for the body
  • As a woman, you should care for yourself at an older age like 50 to 60 be active because sometimes old women being lazy which is not good.
  • Eat healthy food
  • When you are an adult and in your teenage keep your breast and arm area clean well whole body part is important but also care about your chest as a female and also as a male.

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Some best hospitals for the Treatment of Cancer

  • University of Texas MD Anderson cancer center US
  • Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center New York the US
  • Mayo Clinic Florida US
  • Samsung hospital Korea (Asian Hospital)
  • Raffles Hospital (Singapore )
  • Tata Memorial Government Hospital ( India )

A fact about breast cancer is the Breast cancer Ribbon.

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Breast cancer ribbon, what is it? what it is define?

Breast cancer is a ribbon in pink color, and which is work as a symbol against the breast cancer, it uses as an indication opposition to breast cancer, its use by researcher and organizations who are the fight against cancer of the breast,  there is pink color use in that ribbon and commonly use lavender color use in cancer ribbon and there is any color of ribbon used against for other things like, lime green color ribbon for depression, Red ribbon for AIDS, pitch color ribbon for veginal health. there Is October month is awareness month for breast cancer.

Why it is Important

It is important to spread awareness, directions or guidance to local people that how much it can be harmful to a human because some people not give very much care for their health, today everyone busy in work all time for earning than take many types of worries and tension which lose their mind and will last it can be a cause of depression which is not good for their health. so these ribbons give an identity to these harmful diseases.

Sad to say that there are many causes arise the number of ribbons nowadays which is not a good symbol in this whole world as humans we can control it by changing our lifestyle,  by living more naturally.

Cancer is not very dangerous because it’s also like other diseases which need care and cure if we notice inaccurate time,  take time to convert into a danger. Care about your health is your Responsibility because nobody does it at any age or any cost and when you can protect yourself then you can others, first, your body than other work is important like health is wealth, so keep clean and confident.

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what does a breast cancer lump feel like where are breast cancer lumps usually found how does breast cancer start what month is breast cancer awareness what is inflammatory breast cancer where are most breast cancer lumps found how is breast cancer diagnosed what are the symptoms of breast cancer what breast cancer look like how to detect breast cancer what percentage of breast biopsies are cancer what is stage 4 breast cancer what is the treatment for breast cancer what do obesity and alcohol use have in common that increases breast cancer risk? where does breast cancer spread to first how long can you live with breast cancer without treatment what are the signs and symptoms of breast cancer which is the most aggressive form of breast cancer? what month is breast cancer awareness month how to avoid breast cancer what breast cancer looks like on ultrasound what is stage 2 breast cancer what do breast cancer lumps look like what does a breast cancer lump feel like to touch what are the 5 warning signs of breast cancer? 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what are the effects of breast cancer when is the week of breast cancer prevention how to check your breast for cancer what is grade 2 breast cancer how common is inflammatory breast cancer why is breast cancer so concerning radiation for breast cancer what to expect how long is radiation treatment for breast cancer what to look for in breast cancer when is breast cancer awareness month 2015 what day is the breast cancer walk how often is breast cancer misdiagnosed why does the risk of developing breast cancer increase with age? what do breast cancer bumps feel like what is stage 2 breast cancer survival rate how to check for breast cancer at home what to expect when diagnosed with breast cancer what is aggressive breast cancer what type of breast cancer does shannen doherty have what should the nurse teach the client about assessing for possible breast cancer? what week is breast cancer awareness when did breast cancer awareness month start where does breast cancer spread to in the body what does breast cancer feel like to touch what can cause breast pain besides cancer what do breast cancer cells look like where is breast cancer found what are sign of breast cancer when is national breast cancer month what does a cancer lump feel like in the breast breast cancer what to expect how hereditary is breast cancer how quickly can breast cancer spread what shade of pink is for breast cancer where does breast cancer spread first what to say to a breast cancer survivor why is breast cancer so popular what is stage two breast cancer how do you know if breast cancer has spread how to test breast cancer what are the symptoms of metastatic breast cancer what is chemotherapy for breast cancer how to self exam for breast cancer how breast cancer affects the body what percentage of breast cancer is genetic how can you tell if a guy has breast cancer? what are the main causes of breast cancer why breast cancer awareness is important which of the following is a risk factor for breast cancer? how to diagnose breast cancer at home how to stop breast cancer who breast cancer statistics what does stage 4 breast cancer look like what is breast cancer? what to say to breast cancer patient what does stage 0 breast cancer mean what is considered early stage breast cancer why does breast cancer get all the attention how long does breast cancer treatment take which of the following is not a risk factor for developing breast cancer? when is national breast cancer awareness day what is luminal a breast cancer where does breast cancer spread after lymph nodes how often is chemo given for breast cancer how much does genetic testing for breast cancer cost what is the cure for breast cancer how serious is stage 2 breast cancer what are the warning signs of breast cancer what does breast cancer mean who is at highest risk for breast cancer who is most likely to get breast cancer where can i buy breast cancer items what symptoms of breast cancer what is hormone receptor positive breast cancer what r signs of breast cancer what are signs of breast cancer besides lumps what are the long term side effects of radiation for breast cancer? 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what is the survival rate for triple negative breast cancer? how to tell if a breast lump is cancer what is stage 2 triple negative breast cancer how long does it take for breast cancer to metastasize what does breast cancer look like on mammogram what age can breast cancer start which of the following is not among the risk factors for breast cancer? breast cancer in women who have the breast cancer gene quizlet what does it feel like to have breast cancer how to test yourself for breast cancer at what age can u get breast cancer what happens if you don’t treat breast cancer what if i have breast cancer what are the treatment options for breast cancer why do we wear pink for breast cancer what are some treatments for breast cancer what not to eat when you have breast cancer how many people get breast cancer a year how to donate to breast cancer research what are the side effects of chemotherapy for breast cancer how to reduce the risk of breast cancer famous people who had breast cancer how much does chemotherapy cost for breast cancer what your doctor may not tell you about breast cancer where to buy breast cancer awareness shirts when breast cancer spreads to the brain how to prevent breast cancer recurrence how to get tested for breast cancer what are the risks of breast cancer what are the risk factors of breast cancer how to fight breast cancer naturally what do breast cancer bumps look like how do doctors check for breast cancer what is the most common clinical manifestation of breast cancer? how to help someone with breast cancer what is the most common breast cancer what day is breast cancer awareness day what is radiation therapy for breast cancer how can men get breast cancer how do you detect breast cancer which is inconsistent as a risk factor for breast cancer? how to tell breast cancer how to check your breast for breast cancer how long does breast cancer take to kill what to wear for breast cancer awareness day what are the chances of breast cancer returning what is her2 breast cancer survival rate how fast does inflammatory breast cancer develop how to make breast cancer ribbons pins what are the chances of breast cancer coming back what age can a girl get breast cancer how can breast cancer be detected what are the chances of breast cancer recurrence why does alcohol cause breast cancer what is stage 3c breast cancer what causes breast cancer in men where can i buy pink ribbon for breast cancer what age does breast cancer develop what to say to a breast cancer patient what does grade 2 breast cancer mean breast cancer awareness when how to know if breast cancer has spread how to decrease risk of breast cancer what treatments are available for breast cancer breast cancer how to check the nurse recognizes which statement as accurately reflecting a risk factor for breast cancer? 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what is lymphovascular invasion in breast cancer what organs are affected by breast cancer how does estrogen cause breast cancer what are the early symptoms of breast cancer where to get checked for breast cancer how to tell if a man has breast cancer how do they diagnose breast cancer breast cancer awareness is what month how was breast cancer discovered why is breast cancer so common now how much money is raised for breast cancer each year how do you know if you have breast cancer female why does alcohol increase breast cancer risk how to read breast cancer pathology report how do you develop breast cancer breast cancer donations where does the money go how do you feel when you have breast cancer foods to eat when you have breast cancer how long does fatigue last after radiation for breast cancer what causes breast cancer in women what percentage of biopsies are breast cancer how do breast cancer lumps feel like what is the sign of breast cancer how does breast cancer affect the body system what does dcis mean in breast cancer what to expect during radiation treatment for breast cancer what is proton therapy for breast cancer what are the first symptoms of breast cancer when does breast cancer awareness month start where does breast cancer usually spread what does a breast cancer rash look like how long is breast cancer surgery what chromosome is breast cancer on what is the test for breast cancer what type of breast cancer did robin roberts have why was october chosen for breast cancer awareness month what day is breast cancer day how to breast cancer what does inflammatory breast cancer feel like what is the main causes of breast cancer what are the 4 stages of breast cancer? 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