Nasal Cancer – When  your Nose in Trouble

What is Nasal Cancer or Nose Cancer

Our nose also falls sick, Nose cancer is a rare type of cancer that is mostly found in men over the age of 40 or around according to studies, but it can begin in every category of age like in kids, women. Nose cancer located in the nasal cavity and paranasal sinus.

What is Cancer

Cancer –Cancer is one of the deadly diseases in the world, cancer is not a specific type of disease many types of it and here we discussed Nose cancer develops in any part of the body mainly in organs when our cells of divided abnormally surrounding the tissue, there is a speed in their growth which cannot stop our body, these type of abnormal cells also known as cancerous cells because these cells are the main reason for cancer development, these cells play a negative role for body function, they continue to grow even when normal cells die, that means their effects on the body or the organ keeps increasing over time. there are many types of cancer some more aggressive and some less but all become dangerous from time to time, that is why it is said that if Nasal Cancer is detected on time then it is easier to treat .some it caught on time or sometimes not to be. we should check our body on a routine basis from health care providers.

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Nasal Cavity – Find  inner  nose means in the middle of your nose, Function

it helps in moisturizing by making mucus in your nose, help in filtering the harmful particles with air enter in your nose, moderate the temperature of inhaling air according to your body or nose temperature whenever you are living in a cold place or hot environment your nasal cavity moderate the air temperature which is good for the body and Nose.

Paranasal Sinus

Paranasal Sinuses are located surrounding the nasal cavity, a human body has a total of four pair of paranasal sinus contains air and produce mucus.

Functions of Paranasal Sinuses

  • Heating inhaled Air
  • Humidifying inhaling Air
  • Increase resonance of Speech
  • Protect the vital structures in the event of facial trauma

Four Pair of Paranasal Sinuses

  1. Maxillary Sinus – The largest sinus, it is located near the Nose.
  2. Frontal Sinus – located behind the eyes, and in the forehead
  3. Ethmoid Sinuses –located around the nose
  4. Sphenoid Sinus -located behind the nose and between  the eyes

Nose – The Nose is an important part of your health, plays a main role in respiration, and works as a sensory organ for smell sense with the help of which you know the taste of food without eating, it gives an ability to taste the things to us. we can say  A nose is a starting point of our body’s respiratory system. because it is a link between our body and air it gives a path for the respiration of the body.

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The function of the Nose 

  1. The main role in respiration
  2. gives smell power
  3. work as an air purifier for the Human body
  4. helps in breathing
  5. Air moisturizing
  6. balance humidity of the air

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Causes of Nose Cancer

The main cause or reason behind any type of cancer difficult  to identity, one of  the most common causes that cause cancer to develop in the body  is abnormal and smoothly they damaged the tissue, which affects that organ health and  slowly spread to other organs or nearby that organ and in the case of nose cancer there may be other reasons some in below,

  1. infected from HPV (Human Papillomavirus)
  2. Age ( As a male above 40 years)
  3. Smoking
  4. Workplaces can create problems like working in with chemicals, dusty areas, furniture workshops (carpentry), Metal plating, factories, shoemaking, whitewash, working in the mill, bakery work. all can become the cause of Nose cancer.

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  1. Some bad habits
  • Repeatedly touching nose (can become a cause of the infection )
  • Drink more cold water
  • Washing the nose repeatedly with water
  • Rubbing Nose

Symptoms of Nose Cancer

  • Nose bleeding
  • Blocked Nose by one side
  • Problem in breath
  • Pain in Nose
  • Pain in eyes (above or below)
  • Decreasing sense of smell
  • Mucus running from nose
  • Drain Nose
  • Pain in another part of the face
  • Mucus draining into your throat
  • Pain in throat
  • Tumor in Nose (result blockage of the nose)

These all symptoms help you to know that you can be a patient of nose cancer and you can get your check-up done on their basis.

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Type of Nose Cancer

  • Inverting papilloma
  • Midline granuloma
  • Lymphoma
  • Sarcoma
  • Esthesioneuroblastoma

As we discussed above Nose cancer is not a common type of cancer mainly two cancer involves in it one related to the nasal cavity and the other one is sinus cancer, in case of nasal cavity  related case easier treated than sinus cancer,

The survival rate for nasal and paranasal cancer is 58% rate for five-year data, but it depends upon several factors of cancer, according to stage and condition of cancer, and  Nose cancer can be treated easily if caught In time, every year around 2000 cases are found in the United States.

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Treatment for Nose Cancer

  • Chemotherapy
  • Radiation Therapy
  • Surgery

These three treatments were most common for any type of cancer.

And surgery is commonly used for cancer treatment, it is used for removal of tumor  (nasal and sinus tumor )   but before any surgery examine the condition of cancer or tumor in organ with chemotherapy and radiation therapy,

Chemotherapy an often cancer treatment, it can be used before the surgery it uses for the analysis of tumor condition and it helps To shrink the tumor which makes it easy to operate it. same radiation therapy use for nose treatment in its radiation means high-level energy which can be used in cancer treatment in form of beams,  x-ray for killing the cancerous cells.

Or can we use the combination of radiation and chemotherapy?

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How much Dangerous Nose Cancer for you

Firstly No cancer or disease good for your health, Nose cancer is also dangerous for human body if not grab on time, it can be deadly if you behave like an irresponsible person you should to take care of yourself when you feel some unusual symptoms with your nose and urgently make an appointment with your health care provider, it can be treated easily if it could be caught on time. so careful on time if your nose also become sensitive.

What we can do for Protecting our self from Nose Cancer

There Is nobody wants that they suffering from these type or any type of disease everybody wants to far away from these type of disease, and for that people should be more careful about their health by improving their lifestyle and other things like diet, habits, other routine work such as sleeping for ideal time according to their age, do not more time spending with unusual things like electronic gadgets spend time with well-wishers and family, add exercise in daily life, being more active.

  • Do not smoke or use a second-hand smoke
  • Be careful if you are work in a risky place for your nose like we have discussed above
  • If you are a smoker so you quit it or if not so not to prepare yourself for it
  • Do not drink alcohol
  • Do not chew tobacco
  • Do not add much salty food to your diet
  • Do yoga for related respiratory system and nose
  • Do exercise for good health

If you are a Nose cancer patient so do not lose hope and give your best mentality and willpower during treatment you will get well soon because like other diseases Nose cancer also a disease.

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