A snake is a reptile looking like a dangerous moving rope because it is legless, If I am not wrong When we talk or hear about a Garter Snake We feel the threat and if you are on a chair or a bench and someone prank you it will not take you seconds to jump from bed, why? because snakes are poisonous yes you feel afraid to a snake because of its scary look and poison and at that time we are going to get some idea about a grater snake, maybe you see it anywhere usually on your lawn or in a garden and surly you are scared but after get some knowledge you can decide for fear.
Table of Contents
Garter Snake what do garter snakes eat
Millions of snake present in the world and the garter snake one of the species of snake in the world, it is a genus of Thamnophis sirtalis, it is not very big but mostly a garter snake found in small size and also in middle, from 55 cm to 140 cm, females garter snake laying the eggs from July to October, a warm “up to 32 C/93 F” and cool weather “down to 17 C /60 F” suits to a garter snake where it can be live and commonly between 22 to 32 C.
Is a Garter Snake Poisonous?
No, if we talk about Poisonous then it is not a poisonous snake, we should not afraid from it, but what will be done because we have not any knowledge about them so here we get some knowledge about their types, color and so many things about them than we can identify them.
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Understand in detail about the garter snake and its type
Why we should understand this? We should understand this because many people who afraid to see them and because of this fear they killed them, after gaining knowledge about them we can treat them in a better way rather than harm them.
A Garter Snake mostly found in Alaska to Florida, United States of North America does not find in the southwest,35 species find In the world and around 30 in the US, this snake is often found in the garden that’s the reason a garter snake also known as a garden snake, well It hasn’t the poison but give a bite or attacked which can be the cause of an allergic reaction so treat them softly with care, basically, a garter snake term used for a type of harmless snake, the average life span of a garter is 3 to 5 years which can be increased on snake’s health, a garter snake eats small insects like leeches, earthworms, snails and it’s saliva work as a toxin for insects and other small animals. well, it not very hardworking they didn’t make their own hole used other animals holes to live, and mostly they hide their head in the tale and like to live in open lands among the grass.
Types of Garter Snakes
Let’s get some Information about the Types of Garter snakes must know for Identity.
Common Garter Snake
A Common garter snake length around 20 inches 30 or can be 54 inches include its tail and it sometimes is 5 or 6 feet, we can say that it one of the largest species in the garter snake, have generally a mass of around 150 g it is recognized by its yellow or any other light color strip on it brown, black or gray ski, and mostly found in North America. it is a friendly snake means a harmless and live in mostly at your yard and garden, where it eats the insect and rats which insect can eat your productive plants. a garter snake gives birth to a baby garter snake from around July to September or October month its is a reproduction period for a garter snake and at a time female garter snake can give birth to 30 or 40 baby garter snake. the baby garter snake is too small you can hold it in your hand and but be careful, its byte can harm you it can cause of allergy and itching, well a baby always looking cute same with a baby garter snake, a baby garter snake length around 5 to 7 inches, if you take it In your palm you will fall in love with it. if we talk about the reproduction in garter snake when a male garter snake to mate a female garter snake In usually in spring and left sperm in it the main point is that a female garter snake can store sperm in their body until they do not have a desire to fertilize their egg, garter snake can lay to 15 – 45 egg at a time.

Can you make a garter snake your pet, well if you are afraid of a snake you won’t take a snake as a pet but a garter snake is a different type of snake as we discuss above that it is not harmful to humans so you can accept it as your pet snake, and it proves itself a nice and friendly pet because it works as a guard to your garden if you have a garden or it can be a good friend for you, how it can be a guard for your garden? A garter snake can eat many other insects and rats that damage the garden it helps to protect a garden, but to make it a pet does not mean that you keep it in a cage and hold and catch it, leave it open and secure it from other snake and harmful animals, and make sure about it to give it proper feed to normal garter snake one time in every seven days and to a pregnant garter snake once in every five or six days, it can be eaten earthworms, frog, insects, etc.
Checkered Garter Snake
Check means a pattern can usually we use for cloths, like a checkered shirt, suit and all, same as it a garter snake also have checkered skin that one known as a checkered garter snake by cause of it pattern its looking different and we can identify, a checkered garter snake also a small size around a length of 45 inches and mostly find in 15 to 20 inches or can be small than, it’s a species of garter snake but it’s looking very different from common garter snake with its black check on greenish skin it’s looking like black spot, but we can mainly be recognized by its size which defines its species, a checkered garter snake mostly find in central America and Mexico.

San Francisco Garter Snake
if you want to see a colorful beautiful snake so can see the San Franscisco garter snake its looking really cool and cute you can take a capture it crawling among the grass, there is many subspecies of a garter snake one of them is San Francisco Garter Snake like its name its find in Sane Francisco located in Northern California , mostly found in the san francisco Peninsula from approximately the northern boundary of San Mateo County south along the eastern and western base of the santa Cruz Mountains , we can indentified it by its multi colored skin is looking like a common garter snake with same lining pattern but with , blue like pearless blue ,red and green bordered line on its skin on black base skin which looks adorable with its big eyes comparing to other garter snake and have a great eyesight, it have a length around 20 to 50 inches , it have a wide head with a red neck as other species of garter snake its also harmless to humans , they like to live in fresh water rather than saline water it not suits them , it usually found in around water sources like pond where it get a bite of frog (california red legged frog ), grassland , and also preferred the wetland areas.

Plains Garter Snake
A plains Garter snake, “Thamnophis radix”, you can see them near to the Water sources like pond, waterfalls, you can recognize them by its yellow or orange strips or can be a light color on their skin on their gray, black and green background body with a bally of gray and green with dark spots along the edge and some of the yellowish spot on their head and some black bars on its upper lip and after knowing about this significance we definitely recognize it, as like another garter snake is also not harmful to humans, a plains garter snake mainly found in Chicago city of Illinois, U.S, size of a plains garter snake some of 10 inches to 40 inches, you can see outside them between April to October because that time they active most. Female plains can give birth to some of 7 to 19 live at one time. well, there are two subspecies of a plains garter snake.

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So one is a Western plains garter snake and the second one is an eastern plains garter snake
“Thamnophis radix Hayden” known as western plains garter snake is one of some largest and middle-sized garter snake in garter snakes with a length of around 3 to 4 ft, it is found mostly in Southeast Alberta, in grassland like to live in warm weather, the most active in August to October in warm days, they generally found in near to the lake or grassy areas, and if you want to identify it that this we discuss above as same it with orange and red lines on his black background skin than and because its attractive color you can see easily it in among the grass, they eat insects, frog as same as another garter snake.
Eastern Plains Garter Snake
Eastern plains garter snake, is a middle size snake around 35 to 40inch long found in east Montana to Wisconsin and central Missouri and also in Texas, it is a brown body snake with light color sometimes in yellowish color line or strips on its brown, gray or black body, and have side strips of gray & yellowish color, a female eastern plain garter snake can give birth to some of 10 to 60 live baby garter snake at one time, it can be seen in the grassy and plain area, like another garter snake it also eats the earthworms, insects,, mice and died animals.

now talk about a North American Garter Snake a species of garter snake called western terrestrial garter snake also known as Wandering garter snake species Telegans can say their formal name Thamnophis, they look a little different and can be identified easily because of their black and yellow or cream pattern or can say the broad line with dark spots in a sequence on their gray and green foundation skin, they are a medium-sized garter snake with a length of minimum 40 to maximum 45 inches, male to female garter snake mater In spring-like another garter snake, they usually like to develop near water sources, they like to eat insects, earthworms, leeches, fishes, mice, lizards, etc . 4 to 20 live terrestrial garter snake can take birth at a time. They have a mildly poisonous use their saliva on their prey, like on mice, bird because their saliva work as a toxin for prey and help to catch them, it bites to hurt you but its not very harmful for humans, still five subspecies recognize of elegans.
California Red-Sided Garter Snake
Thamnophis sirtalis infernals a scientific name for this snake, a subspecies of garter snake-like their name with their red shade they look danger and but we know that a garter snake never is dangerous for us and also looks attractive, a basically it subspecies of common garter snake homegrown In North America but some subspecies found in California currently recognize three, one of them is Red-sided garter snake.

we can identify they red-sided garter snake by its blue lining pattern on its Red or sometimes black base, like other species of garter snake they also mate to their partner in late winter and coming spring, and in this species, the female can give birth to 7 to 25 live at a time, during their maturity their colors shades of the body become bright and dark which help to measure an adult snake. they have a length around minimum 30 to maximum 40 inches in female and in males this length is 20 inch to 30 inches mostly we found that in animals or reptiles male is small and thin than female as same in garter snakes male are thin than female, they like to eat the frog, fish, and earthworms as like other garter snakes, they like to grow or live in grasslands, woodland, farmlands and near water sources like pond and streams. A garter snake never hurts you until you provoke them same with this California red-sided garter snake it also does not hurt humans until they are hurt by someone.
now move towards Texas state U.S were found one more common garter snake subspecies, and if you live in Texas than maybe you see it in somewhere in lawns, grasslands with their orange and yellowish strips with some black dots on black skin and have a length of 10 to 29 inches . that is “Thamnophis Sirtalis Annectens” and normally known as Texas Garter snake, mainly found in central Texas in large number, it can be found near Water bodies, diet as same like other garter snake insects, earthworms, frog, birds, dead animals, etc many other garter snakes, found in Texas like the black neck garter snake, checkered garter snake, brown garter snake, etc.
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Black Neck Garter Snake
Black Neck Garter snake a dangerous-looking species of garter snake found in the southwestern United States, Guatemala, and Mexico and also in other habitats, it can be classified into two categories one is Western black neck garter snake and an Eastern black neck garter snake can be identified by their shades and size.

Western black neck Garter Snake
Thamnophis synopsis. recognized with their whites or cream-colored strip on their grey or sometimes olive-gray foundation skin. because of their color, they look shiny, they have two or more than two thin strips and one thick strip in mid of the body. find near rivers, ponds, where they get their feed like fish, tadpoles, and other insects. they are also harmless to humans.

Eastern black neck garter snake
Thamnophis synopsis ocellatus, basically found in southeastern and central Arizona, Mexico, United States. They have a short length than a western black-neck garter snake some of 20 to 25 inches means we can say this is one of the small garter snake species they can be pointed with their light-colored strips on their dark body which basically black color and strips In orange and yellow-colored. they can be found in the dry area near water sources, and eat fish, earthworms, and other snakes.

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Narrow-Headed Garter Snake
Thamnophis rufipunctatus, one of different garter snake species mainly with it grey or sometimes brown, a blue, grey or greenish body without strips but with dots on their body in irregular basis with it narrow head which makes it special and has a length Four Feet, they are mainly found in Arizona and Sonora, Chihuahua, New Mexico the US. they consume fish, chubs. It finds near the water sources, rivers, and streams. can say it is a unique and least concern for humans like other garter snake and also known as water snake because of its technique to grab prey from the water with its narrow head easily.

Albino Garter Snake
Thamnophis sirtalis like its name its looks amazing with its pink eye and yellow or brown skin with a checkerboard pattern on which makes a hard contrast some times it pattern gray color, which give it a beautiful look and people who love the snake-like to have it as a pet, it likes to live in grasslands, woodland. and feed fish, frogs, leeches, etc, it is mainly found in the US.

After knowing about such types of garter snake that is confirm now you didn’t scare and hurt to a garter snake, and In my opinion, no one animal harm you until you provoke them if a garter snake you find in your lawn and garden than you can hold it but without hurt them, and don’t kill it because it is not an enemy but a friend for you cause we already discussed, and some people buy it for their garden and because of their love for a snake, but be careful about their diet if you take it as a pet.
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A garter snake a snake which can erase your fear of snake if you understand them like a buddy.