Drinking Green tea daily: Health benefits and Side Effects

green tea benefits for skin

Today we are going to talk about the health benefits of drinking green tea. People these days have understood that taking a lot of caffeine is not at all good for health. This is the reason that people have inclined more toward the consumption of green tea. There are many people who drink tea, coffee … Read more

How to prepare chocolate from cocoa beans?

chocolate from cocoa beans

Today we are going to talk how chocolate is prepared. Well, it is a very lengthy process behind developing the taste which leaves you surprised. Every year millions are spent to manufacture chocolates because people all across the world like to eat chocolate a lot. But even if you are a chocolate lover, you may … Read more

Types of coffee: Differences between coffee(S)

how many types of coffee

In this article, we are going to talk about the types of coffee which are available all across the world. People on this planet have different cultures, so is their preparation style of coffee different. Even the bean is roasted and ground very different in other nationalities. We have found some popular types of coffee … Read more

How can you improve your cooking skills?

improve your cooking skills

Today, we are going to talk about some cooking skills which everyone should know because food is one of the necessities of life. It is true that we cannot survive without food. Moreover, food should not only be used to fill our stomach but to maintain good health. You are all aware that whatever we … Read more

Numerous Health Benefits of Eating Dark Chocolate Everyday

Health Benefits of Eating Dark Chocolate

Chocolates have many health benefits because they are rich in minerals which improve our overall health by helping us to relax. You won’t believe but stress is the main cause of many health problems. There is a solution to all, and you can maintain a good health by eating it. It is dark chocolate. It … Read more

What is the relation between chocolate and happiness

relation between chocolate and happiness

It is a long-held view that chocolate has some connection with happiness. But where has this belief come from? Well, it is because of the chemicals which are found in chocolates. These chemicals do emit neurotransmitters which directly impact our brains causing happy feelings. The researcher even found that flavanols which are available in the … Read more

5 Facts about Coffee Beans and How to store them?

5 facts about coffee beans

Here are five interesting facts about coffee beans: 1. Coffee Beans Are Seeds What we commonly refer to as coffee beans are actually the seeds of the coffee cherry, a fruit. The coffee cherry typically contains two seeds, which are then processed and roasted to make coffee. 2. Arabica vs. Robusta There are two main … Read more

Importance of Architecture in Nation Building

Architecture in Nation Building

Architecture has become very important aspect of our life. Now, a great understanding is required to come up with the great work in the field of architecture. Although we have lived with this for long, but it needs to be modernized from time to time seeing the need of the time. Good architecture is which … Read more

Venus and Love Astrology According to Signs

Venus and Love Astrology

Today, here in this article, we are going to talk about astrological facts related to Venus. Everyone is aware of zodiac signs and many other things related to lines in hands. Some belief in it, some don’t. But if you believe in destiny or luck, then you have to show trust in the position of … Read more